How can we help your business?
We’re small business people. We meet to talk about what kinds of referrals help our business grow.
We don’t want leads. We want warm referrals that lead to actual business. We focus on helping each other make these connections.
Word-of-mouth works for us.
That’s why we meet.
What kind of referral are you looking for?
You own a landscaping company and want to meet real estate agents and new customers
You are a moving company who wants to connect with real estate agents or attorneys or customers
You are a business attorney looking for people looking to start new ventures
Your catering company is looking for corporate clients
You are a general contractor, electrician or roofer who wants to increase your customer base
You are a videographer and want to work with small business owners.
Are word-of-mouth referrals your
best source of new business?
97% of small business owners say that word-of-mouth connections are their best source of new business.
A Plan
3% of small business owners have a plan to generate word-of-mouth referrals on an ongoing basis.
Since its inception, our business group has passed over $9,000,000 worth of referral-based business.
Not sure where to turn when you need a professional resource?
Our professional connections are a valuable asset. When you are looking for a trusted resource for a client, we are often able to connect you directly with someone we know and trust. These reliable connections help deepen your relationship with your clients.
Click the button below to set up a no-strings visit or call the number at the top or bottom of this page to talk to someone how our group can help your business grow.